my husbands friend got back from a holiday visiting family in beirut
he said that with his own eyes saw these men banging on a door and as the man opened it he was shot over n over in the head killing him
and on another day he saw these 2 men on the floor getting beaten by a group of men, they were kicking the hell out of them and bashing them with big peices of wood, and then they got bricks and started bashing their heads in killing them
i promise that this is real, i just dont beleive that this stuff goes on in the streets, its so sick, like its nothing extroadinary, why do they live like this?
this was in beirut by the way,, not sure if all lebanon live like this [my hubbies friend wasnt even phased by this as he said this goes on all the time [but im still in shock, lol]
if this happened in australia this would b a full on investigation by forensics ect ect, putting the killers away in jail,,, these killers do it like theyv killed an animal, no big deal
isnt everyones lives as important as another no matter where theyr from?